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Meet the #1 Excel Solution for GLOBAL Indian Investors

Option traders and Financial Advisors must collect data from various sources and quickly analyze it to stay ahead of their competitors and maximize profitability. MarketXLS™ focuses on enabling the power of Excel for such financial market analysis.

MarketXLS's primary aim is to deliver the quickest updates to traders' analytical models. Unlike our competitors who rely on intricate programming languages, we utilize Excel for its simplicity and efficiency. We enhance user experience by incorporating comprehensive data from Morningstar™ and NSExchange, along with all algorithms and templates. This integration has established MarketXLS™ as an indispensable resource for both professional and retail traders.


Partners and Integrations


Real-Time Pricing & Intelligence in your Excel

MarketXLS™ offers seamless integrations with top brokers for quick access to real-time data and analytics within Excel.

Stay ahead of the competitors with real-time data streaming directly into your Excel models. Our cutting-edge technology not only brings you instantaneous updates but also connects seamlessly with your broker of choice, ensuring top-notch security and peace of mind along with powerful insights.

Our primary goal is to provide the fastest updates for traders' analytical models. As soon as the spreadsheet is open – it automatically updates with current data and takes you on the path to analysis.

MarketXLS is the indispensable platform for many traders in US and is now available in India.
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Nifty Option Chain
Indian Fundamental data in Excel


Unparalleled Enterprise-Grade Solutions in Your Excel

MarketXLS distinguishes itself in the market through its blend of simplicity and power. Designed with user-friendliness as its cornerstone, our solution equally serves retail and professional customers, avoiding the complexities often found in financial platforms.

MarketXLS has incorporated comprehensive data from Morningstar™ and NSExchange, along with all algorithms and templates. We are constantly listening to the customers and bringing the best quality data to your spreadsheet.

The flexibility of our solution means that sheets can be reused without any hassle, ensuring a smooth and frictionless experience for all users.

Our subscription includes unlocked and fully customizable templates and analysis models for performing complex analyses, and updating users models with latest data. There are also automatic spreadsheet builders and sample sheet which you can use to jump start your investing.
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Global Reach for Global Indians

Broaden your horizons with multi-market research

The fundamental and historical data comes from Industry leader MorningStar™. The platform offers highly adaptable Excel templates, allowing users to customize stock tickers, option strategies, strike prices, and contract numbers in real time. The Indian package ALSO includes USA stock market data which is used to fine tune the strategies and for some, even invest in USA markets.

MarketXLS provides a user-friendly and efficient experience with a one-time setup process with data for many asset classes. We offer equities, options, crypto and most US and Indian stocks. The data is delivered directly to your Excel sheet, which you allows you to customize your data analysis with ease. The system is designed so that the user is productive within five minutes of purchasing the platform.
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MarketXLS does “not” provide its own datafeed or any API access to users of the software for any commercial purposes of the user. The software is for personal use only as defined in our License Agreement. Users may not use the data provided in violation of the terms of our License Agreement.

Information provided in this solution is obtained from sources believed to be reliable. The publishers are not responsible for any errors or omissions contained herein or delivered through the software. Data and functionality of this software is subject to many factors including but not limited to internet connectivity, data interruptions, server breakdowns, trading halts etc.

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All data on this website is Copyright © MarketXLS.

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